出去度假,原都是要起码提早一个月定住宿,机票才是道理。我虽闲在家,可即使查了信息也拿不定主意,就干脆不查。而老公2月17日开始要上班,又想度假一个月,落得后来只有两周时间定酒店,机票,果然价格合适的都满了。这个小岛国是由东,北,西,南,和位于西北的Providenciales等几个岛屿组成。全国总人口3万1千多,而有2万3是在Providenciales居住,该岛上有国际机场,位于岛屿的中南部,是南北两岸的度假村区域以外较为繁华工作机会也较多的地方,称为工业区,大多数当地人都住在这一带。上周去Bight park的海滩派对,遇到一对也是英国来的夫妇,那老先生特别能聊。他说这机场原是个有眼光的商人建的,后来TCI政府见当地旅游业蓬勃发展,就想把机场买下。这个商人出价一百万美元。可当时政府没足够的钱,这商人就说,行,我把这笔款贷给你,你每年付我8%的利息。于是,这精明的商人不仅成本早就回收,每年还坐收利息!老先生还说,别看许多来这小岛度假的看着是上了年纪的,其中不乏当过杀手的呢!小岛东北角有个叫Grace bay的海湾,许多高档度假村,Seven stars, Grace bay club, The Somerset on Grace bay等等。我们住在离Grace bay徒步约一个小时的度假公寓La Vista Azul,虽是同一个海岸线,住宿价格差得可远了!就拿Seven stars来说吧,住宿费是我们的五倍!!当然了,五倍的住宿费中包括一些水上运动。即使如此,对我们来说也太离谱了些。要是住那儿的话,一个月的假期要缩短为6天了!
2 Braeburn apples, peeled, cores removed, 12 slices each 2个苹果,去皮,去心,切成十二片
100ml double cream 100毫升高脂奶油
1 medium egg 1个中等大小的蛋
Preparation method:
1. Preheat the oven to 200C for fan oven. 带空气循环的烤箱预热200度。
2. Using your index finger and thumb, pinch and press the dough into the 12 base. With a fork, prick the bottom of the tart. Chill in the fridge for 10 to 20 minutes. 把酥塔皮分成十二份放入小蛋糕烤盘。在底座用刀叉扎小孔后,放回冰箱冷却10到20分钟。
3. Boil the apple with a little lemon juice until softened. Sieve the apple out and rest on kitchen paper to dry. 在水里滴一点柠檬汁,把苹果煮到软,去水,晾干
4. Heat the butter, lemon juice and 15g of the sugar in a small saucepan until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved. Set aside. 把黄油,柠檬汁,和15克的细砂糖一起加热,加热到黄油和细砂糖溶解在一起。
5. When the tart case has chilled, arrange the apple segments in the tin, overlapping the apple slices. Brush the apples all over with the butter mixture. Bake for 10 minutes. 把苹果摆到烤盘里,再浇上黄油砂糖。烤10分钟。
6. Reduce the oven temperature to 180C, then continue to cook for a further 10 minutes, until the pastry is pale golden-brown and the apples have caramelised. 把烤箱温度调到180度,再接着烤10分钟,直到酥皮变金黄色,苹果呈现带焦糖状。
7. Whisk together the double cream, egg and the remaining 50g caster sugar until well combined. When the pastry is pale golden-brown and the apples have caramelised, pour the custard mixture into the tart, bake for a further 12 minutes, until the filling mixture has just set. 把高脂奶油,蛋和剩下的50克细砂糖搅拌一起,搅到均匀。把乳蛋加入每个蛋挞里,再烤12分钟,直到乳蛋刚好熟。
2 lobster tails (10 oz. each), split in half 原先的 recipe说的是用两条龙虾,不带头,各283克左右,我用的是连头活龙虾(比较有味),八百多克。
4 cups water 1公升水
1 Tablespoon sea or kosher salt 一小搓海盐 (因为我用的鸡肉高汤里有颇高的盐分)
2 Tablespoons olive oil 2汤勺橄榄油
2 cups dry white wine 500毫升白葡萄酒
3 cups chicken stock 750毫升鸡肉高汤
1/4 cup unsalted butter plus 1 Tablespoon 70克黄油
1 cup fennel, chopped 100克茴香,切小块
1/2 cup shallot, chopped 2个小洋葱,切小块
1 cup fresh tomato, peeled, seeded, diced 一个西红柿,去皮,去籽,切小块(我用的是超市买的peeled tomato)
2 Tablespoons brandy 2汤勺白兰地(我家没有,略去 )
2 Tablespoons raw white rice 2汤勺白米
1 Tablespoon tomato paste 一汤勺西红柿酱
1 teaspoon paprika 一茶勺西班牙辣椒粉
1/8 teaspoon cayenne 一点点cayenne辣椒
1 bay leaf 一片香叶
1 thyme sprig 一小枝麝香草
1/2 cup heavy cream 120毫升高脂奶油
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 一茶勺鲜柠檬汁
1. Split the tails in half with a sharp knife starting at the fan and slice the knife down and through the meat. 把龙虾从尾部切两半。
2. Devein the split tail. Look for the vein along the edge of the shell, between the shell and the meat. 把中间黑色的脉挑出来。
3. Steam the lobster tails, shell-side down (the shell protects the meat from the intense heat of the steam) in 4 cups salted (sea or kosher) water for 5-7 minutes. Using a regular steaming basket works perfectly. The salted water imparts a minimal but not insignificant taste to the bisque; you will use this water later as a base. 把龙虾肉朝上放锅里,倒入1公升盐水,蒸5到7分钟,这蒸出来的汤水也留着做汤底。
4. When cool enough to handle, remove the tail meat with a fork to pull out the steamed tail meat in one piece. Chill the lobster meat until ready to use. 把肉挑出来备用。
5. Sauté lobster shells in 2 Tablespoons olive oil over medium-high heat for five minutes to release the flavors. 锅里倒上橄榄油,用中高温翻炒龙虾壳到出味。
6. Deglaze the pan (with shells present and scraping bits at the bottom) with 2 cups dry white wine (Chardonnay works well), 3 cups chicken stock and reserved lobster water from the steaming of the tails. Simmer until reduced to 6 cups; about 45 minutes. Then strain the shells from the stock. 倒入白葡萄酒,鸡肉高汤和蒸龙虾的盐水,烧45分钟,直到剩大概1.2公升汁,然后把壳过滤掉。(我高压了40分钟,感觉更能出味)
7. Sauté fennel and shallot in 1/4 cup unsalted butter, about 5 minutes. 把茴香和洋葱用黄油炒到发软,带茶色,千万不能烧焦,实际要花至少15分钟。
8. Stir in strained lobster stock, diced tomato, brandy, raw white rice, tomato paste, paprika, cayenne, bay leaf and thyme sprig; simmer 45 minutes. Remove bay leaf and thyme sprig. 倒入龙虾高汤,西红柿,白米,西红柿酱,西班牙辣椒粉,cayenne辣椒,香叶和麝香草。持续烧开45分钟。把香叶和麝香草取出来。
9. When using the blender, I puree in two batches and return the bisque to the pot. 把龙虾汤用混合器打成润滑的糊浆,再倒回锅里加热。
10. Stir in heavy cream and fresh lemon juice to finish off the bisque. 浇上高脂奶油和柠檬汁。
11. When you are ready to serve the bisque, sauté the lobster meat in 1 Tablespoon unsalted butter over medium-high heat, just until warmed through. Slice tails into the size of your choosing for serving and arrange in bisque. Serve immediately. 浓汤出锅前,把龙虾肉用黄油翻炒加热一下,然后按个人喜好的大小切块,摆盘。我个人最喜欢的是大钳子里的肉,可惜就那么两口就吃掉了!