People unburdened by the curse of knowledge have revealed that they’re free from worry about coronavirus, climate change, and the existence of nuclear weapons.
Simpleton Stephen Malley said: “At school I realised that education was a one-way ticket to misery. Since then I’ve sacked off learning entirely and I haven’t looked back.
“I drift through life without a care in the world. I can’t even spell ‘global pandemic’, let alone get my head around the terrifying implications of what one could be.”
Imbecile Donna Sheridan added: “Smart people like Einstein and Danny Dyer always seem miserable. Even that statue of the man having a think looks down in the dumps.
“They want to cheer up by putting down boring old books and scroll mindlessly through social media instead.
“That’s what I do, as well as sharing tweets from that harmless funny man Donald Trump just to put a smile on everyone’s face.”
Through the process of translating it back to English, I realized a couple of problems in my translation. 🍃 1. I need to use the precise words in the first round so that I will be able to find the matching words when I atemp to reverse it back to English. 2. It’s very difficult to translate the nuances of satire from one culture to the other without explaining it. It loses the humor if I do. I used Chinese set phrases for those part, then I couldn’t recall the matching ones in English. 🍀 Overall, I still have plenty to learn in order to become a good translator. . Here are some words I should have used more precise translation: unburden无牵累 curseofknowledge simpleton愚昧 onewayticket单程票 misery苦难 driftthroughlife虚度年华 getonesheadaround downinthedumps垂头丧气
As a fun project for practicing English, I translated an article on the Dailymash into Chinese. I’m going to translate it back to English a week later without looking at the original article to see if I can keep the nuances with my own words. . 白痴们一致赞同无知是获得无穷快乐的秘诀。 . 这群不背负知识诅咒的人们表明,他们完全不担心新冠,温室效应,或者核武器的存在。 . 有位叫简单·史蒂夫·马雷的人说:“在学校里我就认识到教育是通往悲惨生活的单程票。从那以 后我就完全放弃学习,并且毫不后悔。” . “我游荡人生而不关心周遭。我甚至不知道全球疫情几个字是怎么写的。更不要说去理解那可 能意味着怎样可怕的东西。” . 另一个叫蠢蛋·多纳·摄理单的人补充道,”像爱迪生和丹尼·戴尔那样的聪明人总是愁容满面。就连那个在思考的男人那座雕像,他都向下看。” . “他们想开心的话,就得放下无聊的旧书本,改去漫无目的地翻看社交媒体上的文字。” . “我就是这么做的,并且转发一下那个叫唐老·特兰普的滑稽无害的人的推特文,就为了博得大 家一笑而已。” 😅 @_the_daily_mash_ ☘️ #britishhumour#translator#翻訳家志望#語学#satire#讽刺#翻訳家になりたい#大人の勉強垢#英中翻译
Thanks to my lovely parents in law, I thoroughly enjoyed my sunflowers field debut! 🌻 The young man who manned the stall was very generous and sincere, strong points towards running a successful business!👍 💖
出去度假,原都是要起码提早一个月定住宿,机票才是道理。我虽闲在家,可即使查了信息也拿不定主意,就干脆不查。而老公2月17日开始要上班,又想度假一个月,落得后来只有两周时间定酒店,机票,果然价格合适的都满了。这个小岛国是由东,北,西,南,和位于西北的Providenciales等几个岛屿组成。全国总人口3万1千多,而有2万3是在Providenciales居住,该岛上有国际机场,位于岛屿的中南部,是南北两岸的度假村区域以外较为繁华工作机会也较多的地方,称为工业区,大多数当地人都住在这一带。上周去Bight park的海滩派对,遇到一对也是英国来的夫妇,那老先生特别能聊。他说这机场原是个有眼光的商人建的,后来TCI政府见当地旅游业蓬勃发展,就想把机场买下。这个商人出价一百万美元。可当时政府没足够的钱,这商人就说,行,我把这笔款贷给你,你每年付我8%的利息。于是,这精明的商人不仅成本早就回收,每年还坐收利息!老先生还说,别看许多来这小岛度假的看着是上了年纪的,其中不乏当过杀手的呢!小岛东北角有个叫Grace bay的海湾,许多高档度假村,Seven stars, Grace bay club, The Somerset on Grace bay等等。我们住在离Grace bay徒步约一个小时的度假公寓La Vista Azul,虽是同一个海岸线,住宿价格差得可远了!就拿Seven stars来说吧,住宿费是我们的五倍!!当然了,五倍的住宿费中包括一些水上运动。即使如此,对我们来说也太离谱了些。要是住那儿的话,一个月的假期要缩短为6天了!