

 从丽江坐高快往香格里拉,途经绵延不断的高山,看着蓝天下远处的山峰上的积雪,感觉着海拔的升高,我也随着兴奋起来。对香格里拉,我是慕名已久的。那藏传 文化的神秘,那高原气候的独特,那历史书中的松赞干布,无不牵引着我的心。3个多小时的颠簸,不尽的山脉,转过一个弯,那山下是群山环绕的一片平原!黑黑 的点点,那可不是羊群嘛!再看那呈点状散布的藏式坡顶民居,外观雄伟,纯朴稳重,厚墙小窗,据说冬暖夏凉,有较好的保温隔热性。 

 我们在古镇北门的四方客酒店定了房间,可一个晚上住下来,他们居然晚上7点才开暖气,早上7点就关了。把我们给冻得!于是第二天就换了酒店,也在北门,叫 格莱登(居然这么洋化的名字)。在独克宗古镇里走着,可能因为是旅游淡季的时候,游客稀少,踩在那大石板上,看着两旁极具地域特色的藏式建筑–檐口,斜 墙,碉楼,柱式,门窗饰边,布幔等,仿佛时光倒流,当时的藏民在此间穿梭,交易的景象依稀可见。(虽然这个古镇是2006年迪庆政府为了发展旅游而建的, 但它所营造的藏区特色还是值得一看得) 

 沿着那青石板,我们来到了大龟山下,看着山上那巨大的转经筒,在阳关下那么灿烂夺目。据说这转经筒上有第六世班禅题写的“香巴拉赞”节选,经筒里还有 124亿卷六字真言。说是只要拉着那转经筒走3圈,就相当于念了六字真言372亿遍,是无上的佛法。我体力不济,只拉着它转了一圈!!这大龟山,原是独克 宗的起源,当年垒石为城,名为独克宗,本意为“建在石头上的城堡”,后又被人称为“月光之城”,因为据说当时砌城的工匠,用了一种白色的石灰涂抹城墙,在 月光下,那石灰反射出白色的银光,月色下,坚城碧野,极远就能望见。 

 香格里拉空气十分洁净、清新,能见度也很高,各种自然景观的色彩显得十分强烈、鲜艳,很少给人以含蓄与朦胧之感,湛蓝的天空和湖泊,晶莹剔透的雪山和高天 上的白云,绿草茵茵的草原和莽莽原始森林,明媚的月亮和灿烂的阳光给了人们建筑色彩的启示,并将这种领悟倾注于建筑内外部的装饰色彩上。因而,建筑物的装 饰色彩充分显示与自然一致的和谐美。 

Winter in 2011


又搬家  收拾得累了 


Hello 酒红了双眼 

Hello 又过了一年 

Hello 回不到从前 

Hello 我们补了心痛得那么明显 

Hello 难道这就是再见 




不想感伤  也无须感伤 

可那份经历 那长长的岁月   


不由嗟叹  不由感怀 




Summer in 2010 Tokyo

Moving from Gotanno to Warabi

From Outlook Onedrive



 我们是3月10日去哈巴雪山的,前一天也打的过来了,可是已是中午11点多,风势太强,缆车不开了,只好第二天重整旗鼓,9点多就来到山脚。因为早上下了 场雪,积雪颇厚,车陷在离山门10来米远的地方,的士司机拿出铁链条想装到轮胎上,可屡试不果,我们就决定徒步。让他3个小时后在入口处等。 


 到了山顶,那风叫那个大啊!休息小屋的铁门给吹得邦邦响!从外头进来的人,个个面红耳赤。见此场景,我也开始自我武装。扎好围脖,戴上口罩,戴上墨镜,戴 上绒帽,在戴上手套!!边上的旅客说,像她这样武装,出去是不怕冻的了,只要能站稳就行。呵呵呵!果然,一出门,那风差点儿把我给吹趴咯!只好紧紧抓着 Tim。饶是我如此武装,在那雪山上呆得20分钟以上,还是觉得透心的凉意。而且绵延不断的楼梯,原本冷的时候,心脏就感觉紧缩起来,再爬一下楼梯,又是 在海拔5000多米的高峰,心脏真的是超负荷,回到休息小屋,赶紧掏出氧气罐来吸上几口,哈哈哈,感觉像垂危病人。有个女性游客,坐在椅子上,披头散发,脸色苍白,捧着氧气罐不时地吸上一口,估计是高山反应严重了。 




美術教育ーー「给我一个岛」by 席慕容


Watched Far From the Madding Crowd

What would you want from a movie? A heart warming drama? A romantic love story? Something moving makes you cry? Some spirit you admire and learn from?

Far From the Madding Crowd has them all! Story started in the late 19th Century, Ms. Bathsheba Everdene is beautiful, intelligent and independent. The latter personality which not many women afford to have at that time becomes the most charm point of her. In the film, we see her going through up and down in her life, choosing between independence and marriage, growing stronger. Based on the literary classic by Thomas Hardy, this film interprets it well. Carey Mulligan stars Ms. Everdene. With her own charm, Carey gives this character a cute little girl figure but strong head interpretation.

Most of the film was shot at Dorset, a county in South West England on the English Channel coast. It not only has the typical British scenery of countryside but also has the beautiful coastline. Therefore, the audience can enjoy the drama with the spectacular scenery. Last but not least, the soundtrack of this movie is tremendous! It can be very soothing and makes you melt into the scene. It can make you feel so hollow and almost burst into tears. At the scene which Bathsheba was dancing with Gabriel, somehow I felt want to cry although it was such a beautiful moment.

No matter you want to cry out loud, or want to grab a chance to wash your eyeballs. Go to see Far From the Madding Crowd!



Animal Farm by George Orwell

You might think it’s a kid’s book if you don’t know about George Orwell. I was recommended this book and knew it was referred to the Russian period after the second world war.

The story started from a meeting among the animals in a farm. The oldest animal, the Middle White boar, Major gave a long speech about his dream at that previous night and what he saw through that dream. He advised the animals to have a rebellion! No matter how human try to convince us, we should remember that human and animal don’t have same interest. We should abandon the human from our farm and work for ourselves. Old Major’s message was passed on to the entire farm among the animals and carried out when he died 2 weeks after that meeting. Anyone who knows about Russian history would know the consequence.

What I find it interesting in this book is that it sets the pigs as the most intelligent animal. The sheep’s obedience to the leader was overwhelming. There is a horse called Boxer, he is such a great but sad figure. Although it has some gloomy atmosphere in some part of the story, you still eager to carry on reading because the writer was such a good story teller.  It left me with all sorts of thoughts about the communism in China. What happened in 1960s was exactly as described in the book. Then what’s happening now? Is it a reflecting of the end of the story? Or the situation in China is different?

Travel to Tuscany

We entered Florence from Pisa by train around 11am on May 15th. While the train was gradually approaching the platform in Firenze S.M.N station, my eyes didn’t make a blink. Dante, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Renaissance, so many renowned words are related to this city, moreover, this city center itself is a world heritage site! Florence, I’ve been adoring you for so long!

The history of Florence is known from 59 BC. The Roman empire built this village to settle retired soldiers. In the 4th century, it became one of the centers of the Roman Catholic church. Since then it was conquered by the Byzantine Empire, East Goths, Lombards and Franks. The population declined to 1000 at the lowest.

In 1115, Florence had special permission to become a self managed city by the Roman emperor. Since the 13th Century, this city was suffering conflict because of the fight between religious and political powers. However, domestic conflict didn’t stop this city expanding to be one of the strongest and the most bustling cities in Europe. It even issued its own currency, Fiorino,  in 1252 and conquered its competitor Pisa in 1406. During hundreds of years, Florence ruled almost the whole of Tuscany apart from Republic of Lucca. And it retained being independent until Napoleon merged it into Italy in the 8th century.

From the 14th century to the 16th century, with the enormously wealthy Medici Family, as a culture protector, the development of arts was encouraged. Meanwhile, Roman Catholic was facing a crisis. Appointing another Pope in Avignon by France made the religion to split apart. Also, the plague spread in Europe in 1348 and caused many people to die. All these made medieval Values being criticized and ancient Greek Roman culture became popular again. Humanism appeared. Eventually, Florence became the cradle for renaissance. Afterwards, renaissance spread out to Europe rapidly.

Already in need of oxygen after staring at their arts in Uffizi, in the street I was mesmerised by the vision of locals at effortlessly strutting, flirting and doubtlessly enjoying life. It seems nothing much has changed since the time of Medici.

Champions league!

I’m so sad because AC Milan lost the game.  More than this, they lost it due to my favorite player, Shevchenko made a misstake in PK. The result was 3 to 4. I can’t deny that the players in Liverpool had very tough spirits and they did great job in this game. Liverpool faced the last half game with the status of 3 points behind in the first half game. They retrieved 3 points in 15 minutes after the last half one kicked off!! And they kept this achievement until overtime. Nevertheless, I’m so regret that Milan lost the game, because it has all my favorite players like Shevchenko, Kaka and Dida in it!

I used to be very into watching soccer games. It’s not because that I have played it or anyone around me does it. I don’t even know the rules very well! I just like the feeling of watching it. Watching so many people getting heated for it, looking at the players running around with the ball, being fascinated by the kicking techniques , thinking the strategies and tactical being used, all make me feel that 90 minutes  is so short. It has so much impact in it.

I recall the  first time I went to see the soccer game in a stadium was in Fuzhou. That was a game between Chinese Olimpic candidates team and The Republic of Uzbekistan national team. At that time, I wasn’t very interested in soccer yet. My sister gave my brother and me the tickets, so we went to see it. Although now I would say it was a very boring game if anyone asked me, we were excited about it in the stadium. Seeing people around you standing up, shouting, waving, hitting drums, you can’t really stay calm and being outside of the atmosphere. By the way, the result was 4 to 4.

When I was in Japan, I rented a nice flat with a bedroom and a decent bright living room after I got my first job. Champions league burned a heat on the late night TV life those days. I couldn’t get my eyes off the screen even though it was 2am and I had to get up at 7am for work the next day! It was kind of a luxury new life for me which I could watch TV in my cozy bed on my own and shouting, laughing and pointing at the screen without being accused. Seeing those European young soccer players was another glamorous point to me. 😀


悲しい--AC Milanが負けたーーー私が大好きなShevchenkoのミスで、PKで負けたの。3:4で、でもLiverpoorの選手達も本当にすばらしいタフな精神力を見せてくれた。前半終了時に0:3で負けてる状態で、後半に入って、15分内で、3点を挽回して、それを延長戦まで保った。
でも、私が大好きなShevchenko Kaka DidaがいるMilanが負けた何で、とても悲しいのだ--