I just came back from Hokkaido!
Although the weather was a little disappointing, coming across a cute lady made me so happy. On the flight to Hokkaido, I saw her sitting next to me holding a tour pamphlet. “Hi, it seems we are in the same tour!’ I said. She smiled kindly and started talking with me. After visiting the filming location of “From north country” (a famous TV show), right by the exit, she said to us (Wang zhufang came with me) “let me take a photo of you. I’ll send it to you once I get the photo printed” We joyfully let her take photos and left our address with her.
In Asahigawa, we wandered on the streets near the hotel looking for a place to eat some Kegani (hairy crab which is famous in Hokkaido, fresh and not as expensive as in Tokyo). In front of the traffic light, I asked a middle age man who was waiting nearby, “Could you tell me if there is any restaurant which sells delicious hairy crab at an affordable price around here?” He even showed us the way to the restaurant!!! Eventually, I ate one and a half of crabs! It wasn’t small at all! OMG, I spent 6000Yen on hairy crab!! However, it’s a rare chance that you can have hairy crab for this price.
Very often, my friends in China asked me “Is there any discrimination problem in Japan?” “Are Japanese very polite like they look in the TV dramas?” I always tell them that I don’t feel like I am being discriminated against, although I heard some of my friends in Japan saying they were treated unfairly at work because they are Chinese. Probably some Japanese people have that kind of view, but most of the reasons are what Chinese people have done in Japan during last 20 years.
Japan is a small country on an isolated island. Their culture, religion and the landscape make them rely on each other and trust each other. Since the mid-1980s, Japan government started allowing many foreign students or workers to come to Japan. Most of those people did well. They studied hard and either stayed in Japan and found a proper job or went back home with the developed knowledge they had learned. But some people failed doing what they promised to do when they applied for the visa to Japan. They joined gangs and stole things. The media clearly blamed the foreigners for the environment becoming less safe even though only 1 out of 10 crimes are committed by foreigners. Chinese people are a high percentage (30% in 2011) in the foreign population in Japan. So that 20 years passed, some Japanese people have colored their view when they look at Chinese people. A nation needs to be strong to be respected. Or you have to do as Roman does when you are in Rome. Being punctual, keeping your word and minding your manners are all important to show your respect to other people when you want to be respected.
Nevertheless, I believe most Japanese are nice and kindly like the cute lady and that man I met in Hokkaido. By the way, I did receive the photos from that lady when we got back to Tokyo.
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